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Micah 4:1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. 2 and many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 3 And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. 4  But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it. 5  For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God forever and ever.

 The many chaptered book called the bible is really a little book when read with the all inspiring eye of the Spirit. Reading beyond the letter, the same message is repeatedly rewritten in the pages thereof as a means of assuring the unbelieving human mind of the authenticity of that which it reads. With a multitude of witnesses not just in the little book but in every element seen and unseen, the doubting one will eventually be eternally rooted and established in truth. In a nutshell, this little book reveals man’s true celestial identity, and demonstrates the way to return to the same.

When Job…an example of troubled mortal man was asked “Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness, where is the place thereof [Job 38:19]”, it was the Spirit within reaching out to him to reveal this way to absolute light, where pain and sorrow does not exist. Job never had a slightest clue as to what the Spirit was uttering unto him, but today we do, because the vail over our minds has been destroyed and the way back to life laid bare for us to see clearly. God is that light…in Him there is no darkness at all. We are to walk by this light because God is not a subject to be investigated from without, but rather life to be experienced and lived to the fullness. Knowing the all-power and only life…God, would mean a return to the true Self, “the Christ within” that was momentarily hidden from man in his darkest hour. This true Self is the way where light dwells.

The verses from the forth chapter of Micah and the second chapter of Isaiah summarizes the divine redemptive plan for all mankind, it does not matter if they inhabit this physical plane or not. To those who mourn the loss of dear ones and continually ponder on what may be of them, the Spirit says be comforted...the redemptive plan is for all. The reconciliatory arm of God reaches out to all in the realm of the seen and unseen. The prophets of old prophesied of a high calling, where all gather unto the Lord and do enter into a world without end. These prophesies are to be heard by the discerning ear because the time has come to listen and freely partake of the goods of the kingdom given to us before time.

How can man attain to the absolute state of perfection of God, and that likened to sinful flesh attain to pure Spirit. How can mortality and corruptibility inherit immortality and incorruptibility…it is nothing short of a mystery which the reasoning of men cannot unravel. The same goes for the metamorphic cycle of the butterfly; it is one of those great parables that divinity has to offer to man. Sealed within this parable is the same spirit of the word that is seen in the little book. How this creature manifests two completely opposite states in its lifecycle speaks volumes of a wondrous event that must be accomplished in everyman.

In the interim, a caterpillar might appear as an inglorious wormlike creature, but we know better; through the eyes of faith, we see the end of its cycle...a glorious butterfly. Momentarily its uncomely appearance might be that of a weak vulnerable crawling creature seeking vegetation to sustain itself, yet by faith we still see it as a beautiful nectar sucking, multicolored winged creature flying at great heights and speed beyond the reach of man. It might bear the image of a mere worm for a moment, but it will ultimately bear the image of a winged creature. We are thoroughly convinced on this because we have concrete evidence through information sharing, by sight and by hearing.

In likewise manner you are glorious creatures from above, whose origin and end is above. No matter the present appearances or circumstances in this present world of limitations and decay, it can only be momentarily, and for the occasion. By the inner anointing, the Father will show you your origin from above, so that like Jesus you can confess, “I know where I come from and I know where I am going”. You are celestial creatures born from above, and your recognition of this eases your passage through this present life.

The prophets all spoke about a glorious gathering and awakening in the last days. While people still look out for signs for a future event that will bring the outer world to a grinding halt, many who are arising to the call do stand in the last days. For those who hear the call of the Spirit and begin their ascent back into the heart of God, they are in the last days. In one context we can call the last days, the ends of the world or the end of man’s independent selfhood outside the true creation of God.

In these last days, by the Spirit, the Son of God is speaking in a clear tone to the inhabitants of the earth beneath, inviting them to ascend higher, back into their true realm. [Hebrews 1:1-2]. He speaks undiluted truth, consequently dispersing like chaff all lies built on riddles and parables from the old human order. These lies are the bedrock of the systems of men and the systems of religion in his present age. By declaring truth, the one from above finally brings to light the one eternal life that was hidden from man in his descent into mortality and annuls all controversy as to the true identity of God and man. Truth eternally silences the uncountable voices of Babylon beneath; after which it becomes apparent that only God has a voice…the others are simply necromantic utterances from the realm of the dead. When truth is embraced, the end comes and all prophesies seize, because nothing ever changes anymore. No more do you look out for outer signs like the multitude do, because that which was once prophesied has come.

We are once more reminded of our high calling in the faith. It is called the high calling because its ultimate goal is to make you a conscious partaker of the glory of the One whose dwelling is on high and exalted above all. This is the living One who says, “I Am from above while you in your mortal sense of life are from the depths below”; He also adds: “where I Am is where you will be also”. This is the loving grace of God seeking to gather on high unto itself, all those who by reason of their transgression inhabit the realm of hell and death, so that they can have life to the fullest.

This One who dwells on high is the universal identity of the living…whom alone possesses immortality and life. The high calling lifts the dying inglorious terrestrial man from the quicksand of mortal living back into the life of the One who dwells on high. Living outside of this one whose habitation is above, equates to living in error (sin) hence the consequence, death. In the falling away, all fall short of the glory of God, but today we become partakers of this glory of the One who dwells on high. The sacred calling opens the inner comprehension of man causing him to relocate himself upon the high elevated dwelling place of the living One…fondly called Zion, the holy mountain of God. This spiritual mountain hovers over every other mountain and abides forever. This demonstrates God as the only power exalted above all other so called temporary powers and kingdoms of men.

In the living One we seat above all principalities, powers, and vices of men of this age, having the dragon and serpent under the feet, signifying and end to the deception. One may ask, “what is the deception of the Devil?”. The deception of the Devil is that sensation that you are separated or alienated from the life of God in what manifests as sin consciousness. It all happens in the carnal mind…in the subconscious imagination of man so to say. Remember the question: “who told you that you are naked?” [Genesis 3:11], it reveals the deception of Satan over those in spiritual captivity. This diabolic sensation rocks your boat and causing you to sink down into the great abyss of infinite darkness, sorrow and pain. On the other hand, if you have believed without a shadow of doubt that you are one indivisible entity with God in love, then the deceiver Satan has been cast down from your heavens and you can once more know peace and power in its entirety. You must know for yourself that “I Am He”, meaning that you are one with the Father otherwise you die off in the deception of a mistaken identity of a sinner. For if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. [John 8:24]

Have you wondered why the butterfly will suddenly become still as it transits the pupa state to the butterfly state? It is in its last days of being a terrestrial creature as it enters into a cocoon or chrysalis and hangs from a leaf or branch until the day of its emergence. It literally enters into a secret chamber and in its stillness, the mysterious transformation takes place. On its emergence as a new creature leaving behind the old outer shell, it is obvious that within itself it always had this beauty, meaning your passport to glory is all within. The hope of your glory is within you, but seek it out with all your heart and all your soul and you will find it. I will call this moment of stillness within the cocoon, a moment of stillness and meditation when man enters into the secret chamber within to dedicate himself to listening. Only by listening to and embracing truth can man transcend the terrestrial into the place of light above. To ascend on high, man must listen to truth and consequently change his thought pattern to align with that truth.

Confession of truth is like the flapping of the wings of the butterfly enabling it to fly in its new celestial environment. In likewise manner we walk in a new dispensation in Christ Jesus by confessing the truth. Confession first starts from the mind and then it is relayed to the tongue, which utters it. Death and life is in the power of the tongue, and your ability to confess truth sets you free from your human cocoon into the glory liberty of the sons of God. Remember to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded in peace and life.

He says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. [Isaiah 55:8-9]”

Today you have the auction within you to teach you all things as you dedicate yourself to listen; this auction is the same spirit that worked in Jesus, quickening him and raising him from the dead. Arising from the dead is not just about literally coming out of a physical grave, rather it speaks of an awakening back into the consciousness of the Father who dwells in the high elevated place. Lazarus’s and Jesus’s eventual emergence from the tombs in what we term, “the resurrection”, are symbolic of an awaking out of sensation of a mistaken identity separate from the one true God. That which awakens and comes out of the tomb is the “I” that dwells on high, the one who says “I am the resurrection” … “I am the life”, … “I am from above” … “before Abraham was I am”. Man is dead in his mistaken identity when he is not consciously aware of the fact that he is one spirit with the Father…the “I”. If that same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead be in you, it will also quicken you and raise you up unto that high elevation place in God called Zion.

The Spirit raises you up by edifying you from the depths of God so that you can become partakers of the same. Jesus speaking by the auction of the Spirit says: “He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” You (the Christ in you) are glorified when you hear and receive the thoughts of the Father, and by this you inherit all things because you are one Spirit. Our glorification is in God the Father, meaning attaining to the elevated state of the Father. A man is defined by his mindset or the way he perceives things, thus a man guided by the very thoughts of God, becomes a partaker of the nature and commonwealth of God. To think as or harbor the thoughts of a terrestrial man opens the door to death…separation from God, on the other hand, to think as the Father unites us with the Him, and the fruit of this conscious union…life and peace.

Like in all other kingdoms, empires, regimes and dispensations, in this new dispensation in God all live by a law and today we receive that law as the call goes out. Out of Zion the law is gone forth, and by this we walk in his path(s). The law out of Zion is not just old mosaic laws as received by the Israelites of old (the religious flesh mind), but the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. The laws and precepts of Moses are not meant to be received as mere carnal laws as interpreted by the vast majority today, they are meant to be perceived and received by the spiritually minded. The Israelites of old and a vast majority of men to this very day received the law as 10 fragmented bits of do’s and don’ts because their minds are not spiritually tuned to perceive the true spirit of the word that God intended to transmit to them. Moses delivered the law to them with a vail over his face signifying they were veiled from the truth. Jesus would affirm this later when he says the law was given to them because of the hardness of their heart. The hardened heart represents the state of insensitivity and unawareness of the human mind in relation to the invisible things of God.

If any man begins to listen and perceive truth, he would see that God was not giving them a bunch of moral rules and legislation but rather revealing an incorporeal universal body in the heavens. God’s allegorical appearance in the midst of a cloud, and Moses’s ascent into the cloud to receive the law was a means of revealing a body of innumerable celestial creatures divinely joined to Himself. Only in this celestial body is the law fulfilled…outside of the body no man living an independent selfhood can fulfil it. In this universal many membered body, all live by one identity, the Lord God.  Walking in the light of this sacred revelation causes men to live again. This is the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, the celestial body given as a gift to mankind. Through this revelation, men embrace a new and living way (path) having recognized the one true life and hence spontaneously fulfill the law.

Old things are passed away, like the butterfly, man’s spiritual antenna has to reach out to the high heavens to tap from the wavelength of God’s spirit and be guided by the same. A new and living way means life in the heavens where men have laid aside the old ragtag consciousness of the flesh for that of the spiritual man who knows no man after the flesh but after the Spirit. Knowing all after the Spirit means tuning the inner faculties to discern the Lord who is the Spirit in all. You are one with that Spirit and hence one with all.

The glorious sign upon Zion is love and oneness. Knowledge and demonstration seizes while love comes to the forefront, love alone stands the test of time. Your old heaven and old earth must dissolve at the intensity of this revelation light so that all that remains’ is a body in which all live divinely knitted together in love. No more wars for territorial conquest and vain glory because the nations have become the nation of God. God has become all in all and love is seen in its entirety.

The old flesh identity we had as men can be likened to an idol, a graven image, or better still the god of your mind formed world. When the Prophet Micah says that all men of the unsaved nations will walk in the identity of their own individual gods, he was referring to those who walk after the flesh identity. Walking this way already knocks a man out of favor with God because he has already broken the ten commandments. Now you see exactly where Paul was going when he said those that live after the flesh can in no way please God. This little god also known as the egoistic self which sits as king its mind formed kingdom, is the barrier to life which every man has to do away with to live again. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. [Matthew 10:38-39].  

We always seem to see these kingdoms of men at war with themselves in a bid to maintain sovereignty over their domains and to conquer others. This is why there can never be peace in this present world. Wars and conflict of interests will continue as long as men walk in the name of their gods…their human identities. In obedience to the call, all the kingdoms of the earth must hear and recognize their folly and thus obediently give their kingdoms over to the Lord. The kingdoms of this world must of a necessity become the kingdom of Christ and His God. The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. [Revelations 11:15]

Having received the word of truth with gratitude and obeyed it, today we have a new name…a new identity which is, was and is to come, an identity much more valuable than silver and gold and all that this material realm has to offer. This name is the name of the Lord God, the name above all names. In this identity we inherit and richly enjoy all things because the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. By this name we inherit a realm…world without end, where we all reign upon an exalted throne of love forever and ever.

Your ascent is now, it starts recognizing this new name and walking in it. To ascend the butterfly must flap the wings, in the same vein having heard, your confession (Mind and thoughts) of this great revelation of the true self is your way to this salvation.

Trevor Eghagha.